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Basic Life Support

Knowledge Evaluation

Basic Life Support Knowledge Evaluation

The purpose of knowledge evaluation is to assess the understanding, retention, and application of information or skills that an individual has acquired. This is not to fail you, but to see where there’s room for improvement of your understanding.

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CRC - Basic Life Support

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1 / 21

1. Enter your name

2 / 21

2. What is the CPR compression depth for an infant?

3 / 21

3. If a defibrillator advises a shock, and then later advises no shock, what should your next step be?

4 / 21

4. What is the minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you should wear during a cardiac arrest response?

5 / 21

5. Which of the following is one of the many responsibilities of a high-performance (HP) team leader?

6 / 21

6. Which of the following is an element of effective high-performance (HP) team dynamics?

7 / 21

7. What are agonal respirations?

8 / 21

8. How often should you ventilate an adult who is not breathing, but does have a pulse?

9 / 21

9. Which of the following is NOT true about defibrillation?

10 / 21

10. As a responder, how should you ensure optimum performance?

11 / 21

11. What should you do while the defibrillator is charging in preparation to deliver a shock?

12 / 21

12. What is the correct rate of assisted ventilations for an adult?

13 / 21

13. Which of the following is considered to be a non-shockable rhythm?

14 / 21

14. What is the ratio of compressions to ventilations in two-responder CPR for an infant?

15 / 21

15. A defibrillator is effective on which of the following heart rhythms?

16 / 21

16. What are the Six Rights of Medication?

17 / 21

17. What is the correct term for discontinuing care once you have initiated treatment?

18 / 21

18. How should you care for a foreign body airway obstruction in a responsive adult or child?

19 / 21

19. What is the minimum CPR compression depth for an adult?

20 / 21

20. Why should you place a blanket or cushion under a pregnant patient's right hip during CPR?

21 / 21

21. In which of the following situations is consent implied?

Your score is

The average score is 77%



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